Jones College of Business Undergraduate Advising
Jones College of Business Admission Policy
Students who plan to major in the Jones College BBA programs are designated “pre-business” in the department of their major until they meet the following requirements and are fully admitted. Majoring in business is a two-step process: (1) admission to MTSU (Admissions and Registration) and (2) completion of the following requirements:
Requirements for Full Admission to the Jones College of Business
- Complete a minimum of 30 semester hours of degree credits (excluding learning support courses)
- Complete all learning support course requirements
- Have at least a 2.25 inclusive GPA on all attempted college-level coursework
- Have at least a 2.25 GPA average among these pre-business courses:
- ACTG 2110 Accounting Principles I
- BIA 2610 Statistical Methods
- ECON 2410 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON 2420 Principles of Microeconomics
MTSU and transfer grades are used to calculate both required GPAs. The Jones College follows the MTSU repeat policy.
After completing admission requirements, students must complete the Application to Major in Jones College of Business, available online or at the advising office in Business and Aerospace Building (BAS) N216. Once granted admission, students who meet prerequisites may register for the major’s upper-division (3000-4000) level courses. Students must be admitted at least one semester before their anticipated graduation date.
Before students are fully admitted, they may register for general education and business core courses. Students must meet prerequisites for all courses. Registration in the business core does not guarantee admission into Jones College.
Note: Students enrolled in courses at MTSU for the first time from Fall 2007 to Summer 2012 must have a minimum of a 2.00 GPA in the pre-business courses. Students enrolled in courses at MTSU prior to Fall 2007 are exempt from this policy.
BS programs and Nonbusiness Majors in Upper-Level Courses
Students pursuing the BS degrees in Jones College and degrees from other colleges at MTSU may enroll in 3000-4000 level Jones College courses under the following conditions:
- They have attained junior status
- They meet course-specific prerequisites
- They have a minimum inclusive GPA of 2.00
- They have obtained permission from the office of the Jones College of Business dean. To get this permission, fill out the Application to take courses in Jones College of Business and return it to the advising office in, BAS N216.
The Jones College faculty and administration have established these admission standards, which are subject to change.
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