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Jones College of Business Undergraduate Advising

Jones College of Business GPA Calculator

To progress into 3000 and 4000-level business courses outside the business core, students desiring to major in BBA programs must meet the Jones College admission policy. Students must have a minimum 2.25 inclusive GPA and complete the four pre-business courses listed below. 

To be fully admitted to Jones College, the four-course pre-business GPA must be:

2.25 GPA: First term at MTSU – Fall 2012 to present

2.00 GPA: First term at MTSU – Fall 2007 to Summer 2012

Exempt from policy: First term at MTSU – Prior to Fall 2007

Use the GPA calculator below to determine your four-course pre-business GPA. MTSU and transfer grades are used in the calculation.

We are in the process of creating a calculator for the new site. Meanwhile, please use an external resource such as this one:

If you are currently enrolled in one or more of the four pre-business courses, enter your expected grade/s to determine if you will meet the requirements.

_____ Inclusive GPA (You must have a minimum 2.25 Inclusive GPA)

The inclusive GPA can be found in your  PipelineMT account. Go to PipelineMT>Registration & Student Records>Academic Records>GPAs. This will direct you to your multiple GPAs. The inclusive GPA is used for admission.

When you meet both the inclusive GPA requirement and the pre-business GPA requirement (all four courses must be posted on your transcript), fill out the Application to Major in Jones College of Business. You will be contacted once your form is processed and you are admitted.

If you do not meet the requirements, please call 615-904-8063 to schedule an appointment with one of the undergraduate business advisors to determine your next steps.

To log in, use your MTMail full email address and password.